Not There

I was not motivated to run today, which is surprising since I hadn’t run since Thursday. I figured the 3 full days of not running would be enough to get me running at lunchtime. But it wasn’t there. I seriously thought that I could just sit at my desk and do just about anything other than run.

But I didn’t, I figured that if I could just lace up the shoes and head out I would feel better. And so I did. Well, at least the lacing up the shoes part.

I ran my Fave route with the optional TVA Tower extension to make it 4.32 miles and I just wasn’t feeling it. I did not have the twinkle in my eye or the skip in my step. It was nice to see what my training has gotten me, because even though I wasn’t in the groove today, I still cranked out a 8:55 average pace for the course.

So, now I am contemplating if I should race this weekend. Technically, I am not signed up for it, but if I am not it the groove this week, it might be a waste to drive down to Georgia. Then again, this might just be a temporary lull in my workout and I could have a great day tomorrow. I had planned to run, Mon & Tues, then I would find out if I was good for the weekend and then just run Friday, a pre-race day warmup.

In other not-so-Not-There news, I have been in a lull in responding to comments, both on my blog and on your blog as well. I see a post and there’s nothing that comes to mind when I want to respond. Not my normal funny, off the wall comment, I just sit there struggle to say something then move along, not even leaving a footprint that I was there.

And when I do leave a comment, I feel like it may be inappropriate or lacking substance. Hopefully, this is just temporary, because as I am becoming stuck for writing comments, it’s starting to move over into writing posts as well.

About planet3rry

Marathoner, A Terry of all trades
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0 Responses to Not There

  1. Petra says:

    Oh Terry – the spark’ll be back. You only notice it when it leaves ;). You’ll be delighting us with your own special brand of nuttiness soon enough..

  2. 😦 You’re still super awesome. Just got to get back in the groove.

  3. DPeach says:

    Hopefully, this is just temporary, because as I am becoming stuck for writing comments, it’s starting to move over into writing posts as well.

    Yes, it will come back to you. I dropped off the face of the blogging world for about 3 weeks recently. I was still here every 2 or 3 days, but not keeping up with my normal volume of posts or comments. Then, BOOM!, I am back. You’ll be back and suddenly wonder what happened. Don’t worry about it.

    Same way with the running. I was out of motivation for a week or so, though it had been waning the 2 weeks previous. Just yesterday the motivation started to return. This was preceded by 3 days of planned no running. By planning to not run, I brought the motivation back. In fact, yesterday was a planned “no run” day, but I got so excited about it I just ran out the door before I realized that I was not going to run. I then got lost on the run and ended up tacking on an extra mile…and it was fun.

    Personally I would take a couple of planned non running days. Then have a short warm up run on Friday and still do the race. Races are great motivation. Of course, most races I run in don’t cost anything, so there is no financial commitment.

    As someone who is just emerging from the same loss of motivation that you are experiencing, I can say you will come out of it. I think one thing that helped me is that I just told myself that my 6 regular readers won’t mind and my body won’t fall apart. Then I took all the pressure off myself and let it come back on its own.

  4. Stacie says:

    Aw P3, I hope you get your spark back soon, I miss ya, you big lug *punches P3 on the arm* It’s just a lull this time of year, I get it too…not that I ever have anything of substance to say but you know what I mean.

    I hope everything is ok…and I’m glad you got out there and ran anyway even though you didn’t want to, but you know, it’s ok to take a break if thats what you need.

  5. Marianna says:

    I think there’s a lot of people feeling the bloggy funk. I actually formulated a post in my head of me taking down my blog entirely. I don’t know if it will happen honestly. I just feel “tired”.


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