A Pause in Training

I had Goofy podcaster Extraordinare, Steve Runner gave me a little grief on why I hadn’t officially started training for the [trumpets sound] Phedippidations World Wide Half Marathon Challenge. I told him that I would be unable to run later on in July and that I didn’t want to officially start until I was back from Dallas… blah blah blah.

Then, while I was recording the material for the Gravity@1053, I thought… well, I could “officially” be training right now and there would be just small scheduling adjustments to make.

So, I decree that I officially started to train for the Phedippidations World Wide Half Marathon on June 28th, but do not have my official training schedule needled out yet. However, thanks to Susan for asking me to make her another Marathon Training Schedule for her attack on the St Jude’s Marathon Course on December 1st, my schedule will be much easier to construct. Most of the concepts that we have discussed on to get her to a Low 5 hour marathon will be the same concepts that I will use to change my marathon PR to start with a “3”.

I thought about posting some of the training programs that I have constructed for myself and others, but I don’t think that would really be that helpful as they are customized to those individuals and there are tons of websites out there with skeleton training schedules out there, so I might not do that.

The pause of training title is in reference to the Fourth of July holiday on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesdays are my swimming days and our work had a picnic which my attendance was not mandatory but just a smart idea.

Then, yesterday the family spent the day at the World’s Fair Park festivities which was two part… 1) Fourth of July stuff and 2) 25th Anniversary of the World’s Fair – Knoxville’s claim to fame.

Today will be my long run of the week. Usually, you would increase the mileage of your long run each week, but I think today I am going to keep it at 8 miles. Since I broke most of the Running Rules of Thumbs about increasing mileage last week, I thought it would be prudent that I should keep it at 8. Plus, I wasn’t all that excited about my time from last week. I mean, it was classic Terry pacing… start too fast, then fast and slow pace during the rest of the run. Today, I am hoping to make the pace more consistent and hopefully a little faster.

So, now I will get back to that training program and figure out exactly what I will be running for the next few weeks.

About planet3rry

Marathoner, A Terry of all trades
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0 Responses to A Pause in Training

  1. Petra says:

    Dear Terry – please go into some detail about the training program you construct – I’m very interested to see how you make your decisions and what different elements you incorporate.
    Good luck with it!

  2. Samantha says:

    Good luck with your training! Hopefully that PR is just on the horizon!

  3. Stacie says:

    UGH! I still don’t know how you do it, but more power to you! When I get on the treadmill even for 20 minutes I about die of boredom. And when I get on the trail to hike, I have to stop every 10 feet or so to take another picture. I would make a wretched runner! LOL

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